News February 2025

Jan 29, 2025

Dear Parents,

We have had an exciting January learning about winter, transportation, making good choices, enjoying International Foods together and worshipping with Jana Alayra.

This month we will be learning about Community Helpers, Health & Nutrition and Our Bodies! Our Bible story emphasis will focus on learning to love others, showing kindness, how to share and how to be a friend. Other events this month are celebrating God’s love at our Valentine’s Day parties, wearing pajamas to school and participating in our annual trike-a-thon fundraiser. It will be another fun-filled month for the kiddos.

February is re-enrollment / enrollment month for current priority families. Classes fill up quickly so please turn in your completed packet and registration fee of $200 anytime during the month in order to reserve a spot for August. **Please let us know if you have any questions about placement for your child this fall.
If you need a full enrollment packet for a sibling, please let us know. Thank you in advance for recommendations. Fall enrollment for new families begins March 1st.


*February tuition is DUE ON THE 1st – THANKS for your promptness!

*Pajama Day- Thursday, February 6th for TTh classes and Friday, February 7th for the MWF & TK classes.

*Share days- Monday, February 10th for MWF classes and Tuesday February 11th for TTh classes. Please have your child bring in something to share that goes along with our monthly themes.

*Valentine parties will be held on the 12th (3 day), the 13th (2 day) and the 14th for TK. The children will be exchanging Valentines to everyone in the class. PLEASE DO NOT put a name on the envelope but have your child sign his/her name. Please send them in a large ziplock bag in your child’s backpack the morning of the party. We are making special Valentine bags in class so no need to send in a box, bag, etc.
Please have your child wear red, pink, purple or something festive for the party!

Miss Lauren’s MWF class needs to bring 18 valentines + 3 teachers
Miss Lauren’s TTH class needs 17 + 3 teachers
Mrs. Stewart’s MWF class needs 18 + 3 teachers
Mrs. Stewart’s TTH class needs 16 + 3 teachers
Mrs. Houle’s TK class needs 12 + 3 teachers

*Presidents’ birthday holidays – school will be closed on Monday, February 17th, Tuesday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 19th.

*Trike-a-thon Annual Fundraiser – Thursday, February 27th (2 day classes) and Friday, February 28th
(3 day and TK classes). See the attached information! Plan on attending this special event which takes place right after drop off in the small parking lot and will last about half an hour! Thank you for your generosity in advance!

*Please have your child bring his/her backpack to preschool everyday. Please keep an extra set of LABELED clothes (underwear, shirt, pants or shorts and socks) in the bottom of the backpack in case of toileting “accidents” or water play spills. Check your child’s backpack DAILY for Art projects, notes and forms!

*Thank you for your diligence in keeping your child home when they are sick. Please call the office when your child is sick so we can pray for him/her.

*Raingear is required (boots, raincoats with hoods – no umbrellas, please) for rainy days so children can stay dry when crossing the street. Thanks!

*Lighthouse Community Church meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in person with Sunday School classes for the kiddos during the service. Please join us!

*As part of our master plan agreement with the City of Costa Mesa, it is mandatory that all parents and visitors park in the main church parking lot at all times. The parking lot barriers will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – our normal business hours. The lot will also be opened for any special activities as needed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. No activities will take place in the parking lot after 11:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. You are required to walk your child to the sign in table and sign him/her in and out on the sheet provided daily. The preschool staff will be there to welcome and dismiss your child to you or an authorized adult. If you arrive early for any session, please keep your child with you in the car until it is time to sign him/her in. Should you arrive late for drop off or plan to pick your child up early from the classroom, please park in the main church parking lot and walk him/her across the street at the designated crosswalk on the corner of Magnolia St. and Santa Ana Ave. only. Please help us in honoring Lil’ Lighthouse Preschool’s agreement with the City of Costa Mesa in following these procedures.

*In case of a black out or emergency disaster or if you cannot reach us on the land-line, we will have a cell phone on for you to contact us. Please note the number and keep it in a convenient place (949) 209-7114.

Looking Ahead to March:

March 1 – Open Enrollment Begins for new families
March 3 – Summer Camp Enrollment information comes home -June 23- July 18 ; 9:00- 12:00
March 7 – 3 day & TK classes Irvine Regional Park Train and Zoo field trip
March 18 – 2 day Centennial Farms field trip
March 20 & 21 – Captain Carl Mobile Tidepool, during class
March 27 & 28 – Spring Sing at 11:30 A.M. & Crack Shack Fundraiser
SAVE THE DATE: VBS at Lighthouse Church- June 16-20 -details coming soon!

“A friend loves at all times.” Proverbs 17:17 Have a fantastic February! We love and appreciate you!

Marge Menashe & Preschool Staff