News December 2024

Nov 21, 2024

Dear Parents,

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! As we reflect on all the blessings God has given us during this time of year, we are especially grateful for you and your children. We treasure your precious little ones and rejoice in the special friendships we have formed with each of you.

November was an exciting month of learning to be thankful, interacting with our favorite ventriloquist, Robin Garvin and enjoying a feast at our Thanksgiving parties.  Thank you to the parents who were in charge of our parties! They were all so special & we are grateful for you!!!

A huge thank you also for your generosity in participating in our “sneaker fundraiser”. We are waiting to receive the final check we earned for our donations to purchase new toys, classroom supplies and to replenish our scholarship fund.

During this month, we will be focusing on the story of Jesus’ birth and not on Santa Claus. Daily activities will include lighting a candle on the Advent wreath, placing a figurine on the Advent calendar, practicing our Christmas carols for our programs and making lots of fun Christmas crafts. Please ask your child about the activities we are doing this month and watch for special holiday projects coming home for you to display!

We do not exchange Christmas gifts in the classrooms but encourage you to help your child give a toy for needy children in our community. Thank you!

December Reminders

*December tuition is due on December 1st. Thank you for your promptness.

*Come join the fun in our P.M. enrichment program!! Children in the 5 day class can attend 2, 3 or 5 afternoons (you have to choose the days and stay with those for staffing); 3 day classes can attend 2 or 3 afternoons (choose which 2 days if you want that option and stay with those days for staffing); 2 day classes can attend TTh afternoons (only option). We would love to have more kiddos!!You can begin this month or in January!

*Christmas programs will be on December 12th & 13th. We will have regular morning classes each day. The program will start at 11:30 a.m. and end at noon.   We do not have enrichment either day. Worship Center doors open @ 11:00 a.m. for guests. Please feel free to invite your family and friends.

Plan to eat out at Mountain Mike’s Pizza either or both program days as part of our Lil’ Lighthouse fundraiser. 😊 Watch for a flyer coming home.

*Christmas parties will be held on Dec. 18th for the 3 day classes and Dec. 19th for the 2 day and TK classes.

We will dismiss at noon on Dec. 19th.  Have your child wear green or red the day of the party😊

*Christmas vacation begins on December 19th at noon. No PM Enrichment.

School resumes on January 6th.

*GOOD NEWS: We have recently been approved by the city to offer a 4 week “summer camp” this year!! Please watch for more details coming soon!! 😊

*Sign in and out daily –thank you for your diligence in following our state requirements. Please do not allow your child to sign in or out.  An adult must sign in using child’s first and last names. Pick up times are at noon and 2:30 or 2:00 (if necessary) Thank you.

*Raingear is required (boots, raincoats with hoods – no umbrellas, please) for rainy days so children can stay dry when crossing the street.  Thanks!

*Lighthouse Community Church meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. with Sunday School class offered during the service. Please join us on Dec. 22nd for a special Christmas Family service at 10:00 a.m.

*As part of our master plan agreement with the City of Costa Mesa, it is mandatory that all parents and visitors park in the main church parking lot at all times.  The parking lot barriers will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – our normal business hours.  The lot will also be opened for any special activities as needed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.  No activities will take place in the parking lot after 11:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. You are required to walk your child through the side door of the worship center and sign him/her in and out on the sheet provided daily.  The preschool staff will be there to welcome and dismiss your child to you or an authorized adult. If you arrive early for any session, please keep your child with you in the car until it is time to sign him/her in.  Should you arrive late for drop off or plan to pick your child up early from the classroom, please park in the main church parking lot and walk him/her across the street at the designated crosswalk on the corner of Magnolia St. and Santa Ana Ave. only.  Please help us in honoring Lil’ Lighthouse Preschool’s agreement with the City of Costa Mesa in following these procedures.

*In case of a black out or emergency disaster, or if you cannot reach us on the landline, we will have the cell phone on for you to contact us.  Please note the number and keep it in a convenient place(949) 209-7114. Please do not leave voicemails on this line.  Thanks!

Looking Ahead to January:

January 6th       -School resumes.

January 15th      –SAVE THE DATE – Parents of eligible age students for TK, come learn about our TK class. We will meet right after drop off/opening at 8:45 in the Worship Center for about 30 minutes.

January 17th    -Jana Alayra Concert @ 8:45 a.m. School dismissed at noon for Teacher Inserviceno P.M. enrichment class.

January 20th    -School closed for Martin Luther King Day.

January 23rd   & 24th –International Foods Day Parties

February 1st     –Enrollment begins for current and priority families for fall 2025.

Have a blessed, Christ filled holiday.  Treasure these years with your little one!!!!  Snuggle lots, enjoy popcorn, cocoa and movies by the fireplace, read the Christmas story as a family and sing Christmas carols from your heart over vacation!

Blessings & love,

Mrs. Marge Menashe & Staff