News January 2025

Dec 30, 2024

Dear Parents,

HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME BACK!!!  I trust you have had a restful Christmas vacation with your family and some “memory making” moments with your little ones!  Thank you for showering us with beautiful cards and Christmas gifts – we feel loved and very “special”!!!!!

As we begin 2025, we are looking forward to watching your child grow and enjoy learning more about the world God made.  This month our themes are winter, transportation and Jesus Grows Up.


*School resumes January 6th for TK & 3 day classes and January 7th for 2 day classes.

*Enrichment spaces (p.m. extended care from 12:00 – 2:30 p.m.) are still available. Please let us know if you are interested. Two day students can only attend 2 days, Three day students can choose 2 or 3 afternoons and TK students can choose 2, 3 or 5 afternoons.

*TK Info MeetingJanuary 15th – Parents of eligible age students for TK, come learn about our TK class. We will meet right after drop off/opening at 8:45 in the Worship Center for about 30 minutes.

*Share days will be on the 15th & 16th this month!  Thanks for helping your child pick out something that goes with our themes.

*Jana Alayra ConcertJanuary 17th at 8:30 in the Worship Center. ALL students are welcome to attend and the fee has already been paid with your activity fee. Parents of two day students are to attend and stay with their child. Jana will have CD’s, DVD’s and T shirts for sale after the concert.

*January 17th No afternoon Enrichment, school dismissed at Noon for Teacher Inservice

*NO SCHOOL on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. day.

*January 23rd & 24th International Foods/Dress up Days.

*January 28Fall Re-enrollment packets will be sent home in your child’s backpack. They should be turned in immediately in order to reserve a spot for the fall. Priority enrollment for currently enrolled families and siblings runs until March 1st at which time we open up enrollment to new families.  Re-enrollment is on a first come first serve basis. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.

*Please remember to sign your child out daily! When signing in or out, please sign your child’s and your full name in as well as the times of drop off/pick up on the sheet. This is a state regulation and VERY important for safety purposes. THANK YOU!  We will be contacting you to return to school to sign out if you forget. Only those people you have listed on your authorization sheet will be allowed to pick your child up.

*Please be prompt in picking your child up every day!  We will be enforcing our late pick-up policy as outlined in our parent handbook.  Thanks for being considerate to your child.

*Raingear is required (boots, raincoats with hoods – no umbrellas, please) for rainy days so children can stay dry when crossing the street.  Thanks!

*Lighthouse Community Church services are every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. or watch the service online @ Lighthouse Please join us!

*As part of our master plan agreement with the City of Costa Mesa, it is mandatory that all parents and visitors park in the main church parking lot at all times.  The parking lot barriers will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – our normal business hours.  The lot will also be opened for any special activities as needed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.  No activities will take place in the parking lot after 11:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. You are required to walk your child through the side door of the worship center and sign him/her in and out on the sheet provided daily.  The preschool staff will be there to welcome and dismiss your child to you or an authorized adult. If you arrive early for any session, please keep your child with you in the car until it is time to sign him/her in.  Should you arrive late for drop off or plan to pick your child up early from the classroom, please park in the main church parking lot and walk him/her across the street at the designated crosswalk on the corner of Magnolia St. and Santa Ana Ave. only.  Please help us in honoring Lil’ Lighthouse Preschool’s agreement with the City of Costa Mesa in following these procedures.

*In case of a black out or emergency disaster or if you cannot reach us on the land-line, we will have a cell phone on for you to contact us.  Please note the number and keep it in a convenient place; do not leave a message on this phone!  (949) 209-7114

Looking Ahead to February

  • February 12th & 13th   – Valentine parties, TK on the 13th
  • February 17th – 19th – NO SCHOOL – President’s holidays
  • February 27 & 28 – Trike-a-thon Fundraiser
  • March 3rd – Open Enrollment begins for new families.

Have a joyful January!  Life is a gift from God to be lived for God! Let’s be God’s people for God’s glory in 2025!!

Blessings & love,

Mrs. Marge Menashe

Romans 15:13
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”