2025 Curriculum March – Preschool

Feb 25, 2025

Theme: Spring/ New Life

Bible Theme: Jesus Teaches His People

Bible Stories: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Prodigal Son, Wise & Foolish Builders, Zaccheaus

Bible Reference: Luke 15: 1-7, 8-10, Matthew 7:24-29, Luke 24

Character Building Emphasis: Expressing joy and cheerfulness in daily living

Memory Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see you good deeds ad praise you father in Heaven,” Matthew 5:16

Language and Vocabulary:
1. Animals – mother and baby animals, their sounds and products, family pets.
2. Spring – weather and nature’s changes, clothing, activities and vocabulary
3. March – St. Patrick’s Day
4. Cooking experiences
5. Colors – pastel
6. Directional and positional concepts – in front, behind, beside and between
7. Letters – Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv
8. Shape – Oval

Fine Motor:
Lacing, painting, coloring, cutting, gluing, bead stringing, play dough manipulation, tower building and path tracing.

Same and different, draw a person, puzzles, copying block, peg and beads, patterning, sorting.

Gross Motor:
Organized games, movement, outside climbing activities.

One-to-one correspondence, calendar activities, sorting, numbers, more and less.

Creative Dramatics:
Role playing the Bible stories.

Sensory Skills:
Review all five.