Theme: Winter and Transportation
Bible Stories: Life of Jesus, Miracles of Jesus, Noah, Obedience
Bible Reference: Various books of the Bible
Character Building Emphasis: Learning to Make Good Choices, Doing What is Right
Memory Verse: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.” Psalm 23:1, 2
Language and Vocabulary:
1. Winter – weather and nature’s changes, clothing, activities and vocabulary.
2. Transportation – naming and describing, playing, listening to and comparing.
3. Colors – white.
4. Directional and positional concepts – over and under.
5. Shape – rectangle.
6. Letters – Ll, Mm, N, Oo
Fine Motor:
Lacing, painting, cutting, gluing, bead stringing, play dough manipulation, tower building and path tracing, cutting, stroking with paint brushes.
Gross Motor:
Organized games, jumping, ball handling, balance, hopping, standing on one foot.
One-to-one correspondence, calendar activities, sorting, numbers and numerals, tall and short, triangle.
Creative Dramatics:
Role playing (bus drivers, pilots, etc.)
Same and different, draw a person, puzzles, copying block, peg and bead designs, patterning.
Sensory Skills:
Sense of hearing – loud, soft, etc.